6 Months
19lb 7oz
27 1/4 inches
Cody is growing so fast! He LOVES to eat and is eating one size 2 and one size 3 jar at each meal. There is not much that he does not like except for peas which is a challenge but he manages. He loves homemade food and is slowly starting to get the same dinners as us (mashed up). He is very actively and his favorite thing to do is JUMP. He still does not care much about trying to crawl but is rolling over a lot and always has something to say. He is still working at sitting up all by himself but he does stay up to play for awhile, he moves so much that he ends up falling over! He still hates bathtime but lives through it and is a great sleeper....THANK GOODNESS! Cody really enjoys watching his brothers act crazy and loves to hang out with Brenden.
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