Tonight CJ's lost his first tooth!! He had two wiggly teeth but they didn't seem ready to come out but tonight as he was eating a banana ( yes a banana!) his tooth came out and got stuck in the banana!
Kaiden is now riding in style thanks to Papa! Papa bought Kaiden a new toy because he has been so helpful this weekend! Now the only problem is dealing with ALL the fights that have already started!
Ms. Kelly has officially survived 4 Bayer boy's 1st haircuts!
Today Cody got his first haircut and did very well! He did shed a few tears with the clippers but that was it. He looks like a little boy now instead of my baby :( but he is still so cute and handsome!
Cody is a big boy now! He turned 1 on August 13th - wow time flies! Cody has such a great personality and usually is such an agreeable child. I say usually because just this last week he has learned a new art - tantrums! It is actually funny when he decides to throw his little (yes I do mean little) fits and usually it is only about food or if the big boys make him mad. Cody is really growing up and becoming a toddler - he says mama, nite nite and waves bye bye, is walking along the furniture and walking with assistance (when he wants to!). He has taken a few steps but like 2 of his big brothers did he knows that he can get where he wants faster by crawling. He loves to eat and there are very few things that he does not like, I am so thankful I do not have picky eaters. The Bayer Boys eat almost anything! Everyday Cody is learning something new and making me laugh with his personality and making me smile with his smile! He has great big brothers that he adores and Kaiden is the "baby helper" at Jessica's now since all the big kids are in school so Kaiden and Cody get a lot of time together!
Well here on Mylls Ct we do have tons of fun and the guys are always jumping in playing with the kids whether it be basketball, baseball, waterfights or a wrestling match! Here is a few pictures from the kids verses the Dad's! The kids sure did wear out Mr. Greg and Mr. Mike.....I am still not sure how Mr. Henry escaped this event!
Cody turned 1 on August 13th. He had a great party with family and friends! He loved his cake when we helped him dig into it and held out getting crabby until part way through opening presents!
Well it is not as if I don't have enough to do already BUT we now have a puppy named Taz!
The story behind Taz....
Our next door neighbors, the Castro's, took in a beautiful Golden Retriever named Sammy. Sammy was not at a good home and Ms. Besty can't say no! So Sammy came to live on Mylls Ct. I came home for work one day and was chatting with Mr. Henry (Castro) and another neighbor when Henry asked if I wanted a puppy, not knowing what had happened I said "why who the heck is having puppies" he replied "Sammy DID!" The night before as Betsy was in the kitchen she looked over and saw that Sammy had something near her....thinking it was something she brought in from outside so she went to check it was a puppy! 5 puppies later Sammy was a mommy!
Well after watching the puppies grow and seeing them everyday both the kids and I were attached so at about 12 weeks old Taz came home to live with us. He is a lab/retriever mix. At 16 weeks he is currently 47 lbs so he will be a large dog which is fine by me since I am used to Rotts. Taz is fitting in well and although his hyper puppiness gets the best of him sometimes he is listening very well. He will sit, lay and stay (sometimes!). He LOVES playing with our youngest cat Morgan and dragging him around, Morgan usually does not mind but DOES finally let Taz know when he has had enough! The kids get a little frustrated with Taz when he is hyper and jumping but they are learning to deal with him and command him so slowly but surely we are getting there.