Merry Christmas to everyone!
Love Jen, Brenden, CJ, Kaiden and Cody

(They actually slept until 7:00 a.m. !!!)

Christmas Eve at Papa & Grammys!

Christmas Eve at Papa & Grammys!
Cody is now 4 months and getting so big! He is getting baby food and so far likes it all especially his nighttime bottle that has cereal in it......following in the foot steps of his older brothers (my poor grocery bill!). He is still doing well sleeping through the night and is a great baby. He loves to talk and be tickled! He gets very excited when he sees Brenden coming to get him out of his swing to play with him, He loves Brenden!
Cody LOVES moving his legs non stop so now he is happy that it actually helps him bounce without mommy!
Keep up to date on the Bayer boys as they grow!