1 Month
8 lbs 11 oz
21 inches
Today was Cody's 1 month week check up and he is doing well. It may not seem as though he is gaining weight but trust me he is! Cody was 7 lbs 11 oz when he was born, left the hospital at 7 lbs 4 oz and went down to 6 lbs 12 oz the following week so he is gaining now as he should! Cody is still nursing but gets formula each day because mommy can't seem to make all that Cody wants to eat. He has had some tummy issues with gas so he is now drinking soy formula along with breast milk to help him feel better.
Over the last week or so Cody has been having issue spitting up and it turns out that he has acid reflux just like his brothers did. That is mostly likely the reason he is not sleeping well at night so we are trying some over the counter medicine along with propping his bed up a bit and hoping it works. If he is not feeling better next week he will get some prescription medicine to help.
Cody loves to cuddle and loves attention. He is starting to stay awake more (if only he would realize that 3 am is not a good time!) and he a big fan of the swing. He enjoys when his big brother Brenden gets to feed him and gets a little nervous when Kaiden try to help (so does mommy!).
I can't believe it has been a month already, time flies....when can I sleep again?!?